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 For over 30 years, Sabrina has delivered many keynotes and training conferences, speaking to multiple industries on many subjects including the following:

Overcome Fear to Create A Business You Love!

Starting a business can be daunting to say the least!  Where do you start?  What things do you need to consider first, second, third?  Do you have enough capital to start?  Do you have processes and systems in place?  Do you know How, Where, and the Whom you should be marketing to? In this day long training, you’ll receive the nuts and bolts to create a business you love that supports the lifestyle you crave!

Getting Rid of Old B.S. (Belief Systems!)

Limiting belief systems hold us all back at one time or another. Some hold us back an entire lifetime! What would your life look like if you could identify and remove those? Here she discusses with the audience what some of them are and how to shift your perspective and mindset. She’ll help clarify how you’ve been living under them as well as uncover ones you didn’t even know you were harboring!

Living On Purpose

This full day presentation covers the 12 areas of our lives and how to integrate them each day and feel more fulfilled and balanced and less overwhelmed.  Here we’ll discuss how to incorporate each area of life from finances to fitness to faith and so much more!


From Intention to Manifestation

How to define, create, and live your dream life! Sound impossible? It’s not. She found that through different processes and reframing her belief systems, she was able to transform her life! She’ll show you how to do the same!

Dream Teaming

This seminar covers how to have a larger impact on your employees and company through proper motivation, encouragement, and empowerment! It will create a cohesive team atmosphere, higher productivity, better employee well-being, and higher profits. Having the right people in the right positive doing the right things for the right reasons is the key to a happy, healthy workforce and company!

Empowering Yourself To Get The Job You Want!

A motivational presentation chock full of insight and skills you can take with you to find the job you really want and create a life you love!


The Top 10 Reasons Businesses Fail

If you’re just starting out as an entrepreneur and want to avoid the pitfalls and learning curves in creating a great business, this is the perfect seminar for you and your group! This is also very helpful to current business owners who are having issues…it can help them troubleshoot and change some things so that they can run more efficiently possibly for less!

You Are Not Your Past

An empowering women’s seminar on getting over old belief systems, trauma, and experiences and moving on to believing in themselves and taking control of their life.